Friendship Force of Wisconsin-Madison is part of Friendship Force International which has more than 360 clubs, with over 16,000 members in more than 60 countries worldwide. Our Mission is to promote global understanding across the barriers that separate people. We do this by connecting to people from other countries and cultures at a personal level. We Explore, Serve & Understand.

Our members travel the world with a sense of adventure. When we enter a new friend’s home or invite them into ours, we are changed. Through this, we begin to understand the world and thus ourselves. We promote peace through friendship. Seek Friendship – Enjoy Diversity!
28 Mar
March 28 - April 5
30 Mar
13 Apr
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
27 May
May 27 - June 6

Local Events We gather each month on the 6th of the month for an activity. In addition, we have active outdoor groups, a book club, an annual business meeting, an annual picnic, regular service activities, opportunities to dine together and monthly cultural programing.

Inbound Journey We host ambassadors from other countries or areas of the U.S. We arrange parties and tours for our guests, and many of our local members participate in the events. Volunteer home hosts provide a place to stay for the guests. We also have dinners or pot lucks that are arranged for small groups so that more members can participate.

Outbound Journeys We serve as ambassadors to other countries, stay as guests in someone’s home, and experience the daily lives of the local area as well as tour their local communities and experience their cultural activities. We travel as a group and are hosted by a local club of Friendship Force International. There may be optional tours or opportunities for ambassadors to travel as a group before or after a journey.

Read more about our journeys

2025 Journeys


  • Belem and Belo Horizonte Brazil

    We will travel first to Belo Horizonte, Brazil, from May 27 to May 31, 2025, then on to Belem, Brazil, from May 31 to June 6.

  • Birmingham Alabama  October 2025

Inbound–                                                                                                                                        Olympia, Washington possibly August

Learn About Our New Individual Journeys 

Friendship Force Individual Journeys offer opportunities for members to host and travel in addition to our Club-to-Club and Special Journeys. The same guidelines apply:

Hosts and ambassadors adhere to the Friendship Force Code of Conduct and keep in mind the Friendship Force Ambassador pledge.

For complete Guidelines and FAQs, click here.


Meet people, join in on the fun. Eat in the local restaurants with locals, who might happen to be your hosts. Stay with them in their homes, not in mindless Hotels. Remember that they are as interested in you as you are in them,

Visit many new countries, cultures, and places that most people dream of going to. Or stay closer to home and visit the wonders of our great United States!

Our members love to travel and can’t wait to meet you. We get together for many types of events. Share your travels, your stories with us. We are just like you in so many ways…

JOIN US NOW! Our parent organization: Friendship Force International



Members of Friendship Force of Wisconsin-Madison travel and host guests from all over the world.  We are Citizen Diplomats meaning that we strive to bridge cultural divides through greater understanding of the world around us.  Our interactions help to shape public opinion and understanding.

As a member of the Friendship Force
I recognize that I can make a difference
I recognize that I have a mission
That mission is to be a friend of the people of the world.
As I embark on this adventure,
I know that others will be watching me
I know that through my example to my fellow citizens
And the people of other nations
The cause of friendship, love, and peace will be furthered

Photos From our Recent Trip to Ghana

